Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Rise and Shine Challenge: Day 3

Completed nightly todos?- Yes
In  bed by- 9:20
Asleep by- 10:30
Wake up time- 7:30
Completed morning todos?- Yes

Daily Thought: Who do you want to be?

When you are growing up and going through high school we often don't know who we truly are and we try to find ourselves. We do stupid things, stay up to late, and lose a lot friends but by the end we hope to have met a few true friends, be happy with ourselves, and figure out what and who we want to be. Once we find out who we want to be most the time you have to change things about ourselves and the people we are with. It can be hard to give up being "cool" but deep down we know that being "cool" won't get us anywhere in the future with who we want to be so we give it up, we take control of our life, and make decisions along with changes. We do this because deep down we want to change and some of us need to change but if you have no faith in what or who you want to be then you wont go anywhere. You need to have set goals that are wrote down, reasons why you have those goals, and ways you can reach them day by day. You have to believe in yourself that you can change and be the person you want to be, that is the first step. 

Daily Motivation:

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Rise and Shine Challenge: Day 2

Completed nightly todos- Most of them
In bed by- 9:00
Asleep by- 11:00
Woke up by- 8:30
Completed morning todos- No

Daily Thought: Change

Changing your lifestyle isn't an easy thing to do and it is a big commitment especially when you are trying to do something that you may never have done before, but if it is truly something that you want to change or do then do it because it will be worth it in the end. I find it easier to be committed to something when I am busy and have a lot on my plate. I am having a hard time staying motivated to wake up and do my morning todos because that is the only reason I really have to wake up but I feel like once I start school and if I get a new job then I will be better at getting up and being motivated to do more because I have other reasons to get out of bed. I know that changing myself is going to be for the better but it will also be hard and when life gets tough you have to get tougher because it will all be worth it in the end.

Daily Motivation:

Monday, August 4, 2014


Rise and Shine Challenge: Day 1

Complete nightly todos- Yes
In bed by- 9:00
Asleep by- 11:00
Woke up- 7:30
Complete morning todos- Yes by 9:45

Daily Thought: Run Your Day

Because we are all human we are not perfect. No matter how in detail you plan your day sometimes it just doesn't workout, and that is okay. If you lay in bed all day because you are exhausted or if you didn't have time to make dinner and everyone had to fend for themselves, it's okay. Your husband will still love you, your kids will still see you as their hero, and your Mom is not going to resent you just because you had a slip up in your daily routine. When you wake up in the morning and see your day and all the stuff you need to do in your head it is very easy to become overwhelmed and unmotivated and when you finally start your day it runs you, that is not okay. When you get up you need to run your day; you need to take time for yourself and get motivated even if its just watching a morning tv show with coffee or going on a run to clear your head. If you wake up and do something you love you feel on top of the world and when I feel on top of the world I feel like a can do anything.

Daily Motivation:

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Rise and Shine Challenge

We are giving this challenge another go so jump on in! This challenge will last 3 weeks updating each other everyday with if we completed our nightly challenges, what time we got in bed, about what time we actually fell asleep, what time you woke up, and about what time you finished your morning todos. Remember to set goals and add them into your todo lists along with some things that will help reduce stress.
*If you have no idea what I'm talking about please read the first Rise and Shine Challenge post in my archive!

Friday, August 1, 2014


Hello August!

Lets start off the month with some goals! With all the things I wanted to do last month with the rise and shine challenge, working out, and eating healthy I failed quite miserably to my standards. This month I am turning a new page and starting over, with everything so here we go, lets set some goals!
Physical- do some type of physical activity everyday 
Health- to prep my meals and incorporate more vegetables and fruits 
Mental/Personal- to form a morning routine 

Daily Thought: Stop Worrying and Breath

With everything going on with school about to start, my fiance trying to start a business, and trying to find a place for us to call our own I'v noticed that we have both been on edge and not that pleasant to be around; the house has become a mess, our eating habits have turn to fast food, and terrible sleeping patterns have become our norm. Least to say, we hate it and both want to make a change so you know what that means; fruits and vegetables have been added to the grocery list, we spent the whole morning cleaning and making the place livable again, and both agreed to go to bed on time. After doing these little things and setting small guidelines we were able to take a step back and enjoy each others company during lunch and apologize for how irritable we have both been along with saying how much we truly appreciate each other. I never thought I would say this but, I can't wait for Monday because I can already tell how successful it is going to be just by clearing my head and breathing a bit. I hope you all have a great weekend!

Daily Motivation: