Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Rise and Shine Challenge: Morning of Day 3
Complete nightly todos?- No
In bed at- 9:30
Asleep by- 10:45
Wake up time- 5:00
Daily Thought: Outlook
The outlook we have of things maybe very different from one person to another even though we are all mostly physically the same. Most of us have two eyes, ears, arms, legs, and hands. Most of us can all physically feel by touch, hear, see, smell, and taste. Even with all the similarities we may have its quite strange how different we truly are. Not different by our height, weight, or hair color but by the way we see things, our own personal outlook on life. Many things can contribute to how your day goes but ultimately how you want to feel and how you let yourself feel are all up to you. You can try and find something good in a bad thing or you can think of all the negative things that can happen if you question your daily routine or try to go outside the box. What I'm trying to say is no one but yourself can make you happy first. You have to make yourself happy and running sufficient in order for anyone to truly love loving you and for you to truly love loving someone else and that you can change the mood of a problem, situation, or task by the way you look at it.
Daily Motivation 

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