Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Rise an Shine Challang Day 1: The snooze button..

We all know the dreaded snooze button, and I don't know about you but I hate it. I always press it thinking that I will get up in a few minutes but that 9 minutes is just enough time to fall back asleep and wake up to press it again! So you know what I did, I turned them off. I set two alarms, one fore 6:50 and one for 7:00. No more snoozing for me! 
Another thing I did to make myself get up is write why I was getting up and put it on my night stand so it is the first thing I see. I am lucky enough to not have to get up for work or school just yet but I get up for myself. That is the reason I want to wake, for me. Not a job, not school, not a stupid boss, for myself and if I don't get up then I am only failing myself.

Day 1 update:
Complete nightly todos?- Yes!
Bed time- in bed by 9 I fell asleep around 10:30
Wake up time- 4:20... After my fiancé left for work I never fell back to sleep. After laying in bed for an hour I finally got up and started my todo list!
***my original post got deleted somehow yesterday so I'm reposting it


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