Friday, July 25, 2014

Rise and Shine Challenge!

I've noticed that my mornings as slow going and not very useful; but I could go all night doing different things if I had to, the only problem is I can't. My fiance has to get up for work at 4 a.m. so he tries to go to bed at 9 p.m. and normally I get in bed with him because all the stuff I would like to do (workout, clean, organize, etc.) is too loud and would wake him up. To help solve my problem I want to start a morning routine of getting up and getting stuff done! However I don't want to be alone on my journey so I would like you to join me and update everyday no matter if you start today or 5 years down the road I want to know that this is helping someone other then myself! I am going to break it down into steps of how I am getting started if some of the steps don't pertain to you skip them or adjust as needed.

Step 1: Set goals
Set 3 to 5 things that you want to do or get done during your new morning routine. I wrote them on a colored post-it note where I can see them everyday to remind myself why I am making a change to my lifestyle. My goals are, 1. Get more physical fit 2. Read the bible 3. Start my day with healthy choices 4. Blog more. I am starting small and as these become the new normal I will add other goals and cross off ones that have become routine.

Step 2: Wake up time 
Determine what time you will need to get up to complete your new goals every morning and count back 8 to 9 hours to figure out what time you need to go to bed. I want to wake up at 7 a.m.; to most people they would think i'm crazy because that isn't even hard  to get up that early, but for me it is because I am not a morning person and never have I been but I am working on changing myself! To get up at 7 a.m. I would need to go to bed at 9 p.m. ( I added an extra hour because I have a hard time falling asleep).

Step 3: Setting up your day the night before
If you don't go to bed in a good mood most likely you wont wake up in a good one either! Take an hour before bed to complete 5 tasks to help lessen the stress in the morning and to wind down a bit before bed. My biggest stress-er is waking up to a dirty house and I have discovered if my house is a mess before bed I hit the snooze button because I don't want to get up and look at the mess and reading tends to wind me down so I have added these things to my list of stuff to do before bed. Here is my list, 1. 15 minute pick up kitchen 2. 15 minute pick up room 3. get ready for bed 4. write tomorrow's todo list 5. read for 30 minutes . I start my nightly tasks at around 7:45 so I can have a little time to spare if I need it.

Step 4: Putting it all together by making a todo list
My todo list goes through my whole day and helps me get through the day even. Here is how my todo list lays out.

As you can see it is more then a todo list but that is the best thing I can think of to call it. This is how I have broken down my todo list.
Part 1: Water
I have a problem getting in enough water on a daily basis so I track how many bottles of water I drink throughout the day.
Part 2: My daily goals and daily todos
make bed
read one section of the bible
eat breakfast
do task off of master todo
do task off of master cleaning list 
do task off of weekly todo list
15 minute pick up kitchen
15 minute pick up room
get ready for bed ( wash face, brush teeth, take pills, that kind of stuff)
make tomorrows todo list
read for 30 minutes
Part 3: Other things todo 
This is for stuff like appointments, errands, studding, or taking kids to and from sports. 
Part 4: Exercise
As of right now and am working through Kayla Itsines's Bikini Body Guide that has 2 circuits that you repeat twice  so I am tracking myself on how far I get in the seven minutes per circuit so if I want to restart the workouts I can see how far I have come. If I am just doing cardio I write the workout or how fast I am.
Part 5: Gratitude list
Everyday I wright 3 things i am thankful for, sometimes I will repeat thing like people but I try to write different things every day
Part 6: Food intake
It is exactly what it sounds like, all the food I stuff in my face throughout the day and the times I do it at.

Wow that was a lot more then I though it was going to be but I promise it will all be worth it! Take the weekend to come up with your goals and comment them on this post because I want to see what you guys want to work on and don't forget to make a good todo list and lets report in on Mondays post on how our first day is going! 

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