Thursday, July 31, 2014


Rise and Shine Challenge: Night of Day 4

Complete nightly todos- most of them..
In bed by- 9:30
Asleep by- 10:00
Awake by- 8:30*
*After being up so early the past few days my body completely rejected my alarm today! Did not hear any of my alarms to my surprise but 8:30 is better then 10!

Daily Thought: Take Risks

The road we travel on called life can have many twists and turns, ups and downs, and sharp rights or rigged lefts but we all have to make decisions and take risks. Right now I am making the big decision to go to collage, the first person in my family to go. I'm diving head first into unknown water when know one who cares about me has been. As I was signing up for classes and paying for my books I realized that my decisions that I make now not only effect myself but others around me, especially my parents. Although I know they are proud of my I also know that they are scared for me because they don't know what or who I will come across but they trust me and the choices I make on my path of life. I have a dream to become an elementary teacher and if I want to reach that dream I have to take risks. Most of us have to take risks because, "through great risk can come greater success." Some risks are greater then others and some may seem small to some but grand to others and that is why we should not judge because we don't know where most people are in their path or how you could effect their big decision in a negative way. Treat others how you want to be treated and don't forget to weigh out your big decisions so you have a greater chance in making the right ones.

Daily Motivation: 

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