Monday, August 4, 2014


Rise and Shine Challenge: Day 1

Complete nightly todos- Yes
In bed by- 9:00
Asleep by- 11:00
Woke up- 7:30
Complete morning todos- Yes by 9:45

Daily Thought: Run Your Day

Because we are all human we are not perfect. No matter how in detail you plan your day sometimes it just doesn't workout, and that is okay. If you lay in bed all day because you are exhausted or if you didn't have time to make dinner and everyone had to fend for themselves, it's okay. Your husband will still love you, your kids will still see you as their hero, and your Mom is not going to resent you just because you had a slip up in your daily routine. When you wake up in the morning and see your day and all the stuff you need to do in your head it is very easy to become overwhelmed and unmotivated and when you finally start your day it runs you, that is not okay. When you get up you need to run your day; you need to take time for yourself and get motivated even if its just watching a morning tv show with coffee or going on a run to clear your head. If you wake up and do something you love you feel on top of the world and when I feel on top of the world I feel like a can do anything.

Daily Motivation:

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