Wednesday, January 21, 2015

daily thought

What do you guys do when something doesn't go quite right? What dod you do when you have an off day? What do you do when you wake up and before you even open your eyes you tell yourself today is going to suck? Do just let the negativity get you down? Do you let it all stop you? Do you let it ruin the possibilities of what today could hold? How you feel and what you do is all about how you view something. You could look at your empty water bottle and say, "ugh, now I have to get up and refill it" or you could say, "yes, one more down just two more to go until I hit my goal of water intake today." If something is blocking you from getting your goals done for the day, move it. Don't be afraid to ask for a little help with picking up the house or workload if too much one day is going to ruin you. Take a little extra time that day and reflect, it could be during a run or you could journal it. You just have to let all that negativity out some how or it will built itself up and consume you one day. Not every day is going to be perfect but your outlook on things can change your day from bad to better. 

Don't forget to visit my other blog

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

daily thought

With everything in life that goes on like school, work, kids, exercising, keeping up on the house work, the list never seems to end. It's easy to make a giant to do list and become overwhelmed in the stress of everything you have to do. We often forget about all that we have that makes us happy unless we are right in the moment of it. How often do you take a step back and look at all that you have? How often do you think about how blessed you truly are? There is always someone out there that might have it just a little worse then you. Don't forget about all that you have that maybe someone else doesn't have. 

Don't forget to visit my other blog

Monday, January 19, 2015

daily thought

Have you ever told yourself that you can't do something and so you didn't even try? Have you ever wanted something that you had to compete for and knew there was strong competition so you just let them have it? Do you know how failure feels? How about success? What one felt better? Giving up because you were to afraid to try or achieving something that you wanted, something that you worked for to get? The things we wan't most are often the hardest things to obtain. We have to work for them, stride for them, never give up on them. Once you see what all the work, sleepless nights, and hard times were for in the end you will know that it wasn't all a waste. Once you get a taste of what you have been missing because you were to afraid to try it makes it seem like its not so hard to try again, for more things that you never would have thought you could have. You juts have to believe you can, well and put in some elbow grease, and you will.

Don't forget to  visit my other blog

Sunday, January 18, 2015

daily thought

I did a yoga class last night just out of the blue and it got me thinking. I have said some pretty rotten things about myself that have always been in the back of my mind. As I was inhaling that deep breath and exhaling some stress, i was letting go of that stress. I was blowing it as far away as I could, so it couldn't bother me anymore. Every breath I drew in I thought about  something I have told myself that I did't need to keep in my head and I blew it away, I let it go. I apologized to myself and let it all go and I felt better. 

I want you to do the same. Sit on the floor and just take some deep breaths or go on you tube and search yoga (my favorite being Yoga with Adriene) and do some yoga. Most importantly, let go. No one needs negative thoughts in their head, or negative people for that matter, they will just hold you back. 

Don't forget to visit my other blog

Saturday, January 17, 2015

daily thought

With all the New Year resolutions going on I have been thinking. Most people's "New Years resolutions" only last through January, if that. I propose something different. I am calling them my becoming Bradley goals. I don't want these goals to end after January or after 2015, I want them to become a part of me. You can read more about this on my other blog

However, while coming up with these new goals and figuring out how I am going to complete them I have also thought of something else. I stated in my Becoming Bradley blog that I feel like this year my goals are really going to make a difference and are going to happen. Personally, I think I have figured out how my mind works to the point of being able to change it. A lot of new things have happened in my life and even though not everything is perfect I have taken a step back and told myself I am happy. I enjoy this crazy life that I get to wake up to everyday. I have finally grown up and realized all that I have to be thankful for. I am not bettering myself for anyone but myself. I have learned to love and embrace the glorious mess that I am and that makes me want to just be the best me I possibly can!

If you leave here with anything today I hope that it's you have to love and accept all of yourself, the ups, the downs, the laughs and the tears before you can change anything and better yourself. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

10.14.14 New Maybelline Matte Lipstick Review

Good afternoon my friends I hope your morning is going well!

Today I am going to talk about a new lipstick that I couldn't wait to try once I saw the commercial. It's the new Maybelline matte wear lipstick.

The color I bought is 665 Lust For Blush. I think it is a gorgeous natural pink looking color. I love that it is so smooth and easy to apply. It goes on creamy and does not dry out my lips like other matte lipsticks. I have also found that I don't need to line my lips with a lip liner like I normally do with matte lipsticks. 

This is what the color looks like on my skin tone, I just love it!

As of right now I think they only have around 8 different colors but they are all so pretty I had a very hard time just picking one! I hope this review helps and if you have other products you would like me to review just let me know in the comments down below! I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day!

Monday, October 13, 2014

10.13.14 Cleaning Schedule

Good morning everyone! 

Today I am going to be talking about my cleaning schedule. I just moved into an apartment with my husband, so there is a lot more to keep clean then just a bathroom and one bedroom. Now that we finally have everything unpacked there is no excuses to why the house is a disaster! To help keep the clutter down and ourselves a little more organized I created a cleaning schedule, nothing to fancy just daily cleaning tasks and a few weekly cleaning tasks. 

As you can see I just printed it off, placed it inside a sheet protector, and stuck it to the fridge with some cute washi tape. Whenever someone completes a task we cross it off with a black expo marker that way the other person knows that it has been completed. 

Our daily cleaning tasks are:
make bed
put away clothes
wipe down bathroom counters
wipe down kitchen counters
put away dishes
pick up and put away any random things
do weekly task

The weekly tasks are broke down my days into broad terms such as, Monday: clean bathroom, then in parentheses are the little tasks, like clean toilet, shower, mirror.

Keep in mind that we are only two people so we do not have to do laundry everyday or run the dishwasher every day, feel free to change this in anyway that may benefit you and your family.. I hope this helps, if you need some help setting up a cleaning schedule just leave a comment below and I will try to help in any way I can!