Tuesday, October 14, 2014

10.14.14 New Maybelline Matte Lipstick Review

Good afternoon my friends I hope your morning is going well!

Today I am going to talk about a new lipstick that I couldn't wait to try once I saw the commercial. It's the new Maybelline matte wear lipstick.

The color I bought is 665 Lust For Blush. I think it is a gorgeous natural pink looking color. I love that it is so smooth and easy to apply. It goes on creamy and does not dry out my lips like other matte lipsticks. I have also found that I don't need to line my lips with a lip liner like I normally do with matte lipsticks. 

This is what the color looks like on my skin tone, I just love it!

As of right now I think they only have around 8 different colors but they are all so pretty I had a very hard time just picking one! I hope this review helps and if you have other products you would like me to review just let me know in the comments down below! I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day!

Monday, October 13, 2014

10.13.14 Cleaning Schedule

Good morning everyone! 

Today I am going to be talking about my cleaning schedule. I just moved into an apartment with my husband, so there is a lot more to keep clean then just a bathroom and one bedroom. Now that we finally have everything unpacked there is no excuses to why the house is a disaster! To help keep the clutter down and ourselves a little more organized I created a cleaning schedule, nothing to fancy just daily cleaning tasks and a few weekly cleaning tasks. 

As you can see I just printed it off, placed it inside a sheet protector, and stuck it to the fridge with some cute washi tape. Whenever someone completes a task we cross it off with a black expo marker that way the other person knows that it has been completed. 

Our daily cleaning tasks are:
make bed
put away clothes
wipe down bathroom counters
wipe down kitchen counters
put away dishes
pick up and put away any random things
do weekly task

The weekly tasks are broke down my days into broad terms such as, Monday: clean bathroom, then in parentheses are the little tasks, like clean toilet, shower, mirror.

Keep in mind that we are only two people so we do not have to do laundry everyday or run the dishwasher every day, feel free to change this in anyway that may benefit you and your family.. I hope this helps, if you need some help setting up a cleaning schedule just leave a comment below and I will try to help in any way I can! 

Sunday, October 12, 2014


I'm back!!

Hello everyone, I hope your day is going great! I am back on my blog grind and better then before! 

A lot of things have changed in the past two months, I moved into an apartment, got married, got a dog, started my freshman year of college, and I will be starting a job at Sephora pretty soon! I plan to blog random thought, organization tips, health related things, and make up reviews along with links to make up tutorials that I will post on my YouTube account. 

Tomorrow I will be back with a post about my cleaning schedule, so make sure to check back in tomorrow and have a wonderful rest of your day!  

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Rise and Shine Challenge: Day 3

Completed nightly todos?- Yes
In  bed by- 9:20
Asleep by- 10:30
Wake up time- 7:30
Completed morning todos?- Yes

Daily Thought: Who do you want to be?

When you are growing up and going through high school we often don't know who we truly are and we try to find ourselves. We do stupid things, stay up to late, and lose a lot friends but by the end we hope to have met a few true friends, be happy with ourselves, and figure out what and who we want to be. Once we find out who we want to be most the time you have to change things about ourselves and the people we are with. It can be hard to give up being "cool" but deep down we know that being "cool" won't get us anywhere in the future with who we want to be so we give it up, we take control of our life, and make decisions along with changes. We do this because deep down we want to change and some of us need to change but if you have no faith in what or who you want to be then you wont go anywhere. You need to have set goals that are wrote down, reasons why you have those goals, and ways you can reach them day by day. You have to believe in yourself that you can change and be the person you want to be, that is the first step. 

Daily Motivation:

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Rise and Shine Challenge: Day 2

Completed nightly todos- Most of them
In bed by- 9:00
Asleep by- 11:00
Woke up by- 8:30
Completed morning todos- No

Daily Thought: Change

Changing your lifestyle isn't an easy thing to do and it is a big commitment especially when you are trying to do something that you may never have done before, but if it is truly something that you want to change or do then do it because it will be worth it in the end. I find it easier to be committed to something when I am busy and have a lot on my plate. I am having a hard time staying motivated to wake up and do my morning todos because that is the only reason I really have to wake up but I feel like once I start school and if I get a new job then I will be better at getting up and being motivated to do more because I have other reasons to get out of bed. I know that changing myself is going to be for the better but it will also be hard and when life gets tough you have to get tougher because it will all be worth it in the end.

Daily Motivation:

Monday, August 4, 2014


Rise and Shine Challenge: Day 1

Complete nightly todos- Yes
In bed by- 9:00
Asleep by- 11:00
Woke up- 7:30
Complete morning todos- Yes by 9:45

Daily Thought: Run Your Day

Because we are all human we are not perfect. No matter how in detail you plan your day sometimes it just doesn't workout, and that is okay. If you lay in bed all day because you are exhausted or if you didn't have time to make dinner and everyone had to fend for themselves, it's okay. Your husband will still love you, your kids will still see you as their hero, and your Mom is not going to resent you just because you had a slip up in your daily routine. When you wake up in the morning and see your day and all the stuff you need to do in your head it is very easy to become overwhelmed and unmotivated and when you finally start your day it runs you, that is not okay. When you get up you need to run your day; you need to take time for yourself and get motivated even if its just watching a morning tv show with coffee or going on a run to clear your head. If you wake up and do something you love you feel on top of the world and when I feel on top of the world I feel like a can do anything.

Daily Motivation:

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Rise and Shine Challenge

We are giving this challenge another go so jump on in! This challenge will last 3 weeks updating each other everyday with if we completed our nightly challenges, what time we got in bed, about what time we actually fell asleep, what time you woke up, and about what time you finished your morning todos. Remember to set goals and add them into your todo lists along with some things that will help reduce stress.
*If you have no idea what I'm talking about please read the first Rise and Shine Challenge post in my archive!

Friday, August 1, 2014


Hello August!

Lets start off the month with some goals! With all the things I wanted to do last month with the rise and shine challenge, working out, and eating healthy I failed quite miserably to my standards. This month I am turning a new page and starting over, with everything so here we go, lets set some goals!
Physical- do some type of physical activity everyday 
Health- to prep my meals and incorporate more vegetables and fruits 
Mental/Personal- to form a morning routine 

Daily Thought: Stop Worrying and Breath

With everything going on with school about to start, my fiance trying to start a business, and trying to find a place for us to call our own I'v noticed that we have both been on edge and not that pleasant to be around; the house has become a mess, our eating habits have turn to fast food, and terrible sleeping patterns have become our norm. Least to say, we hate it and both want to make a change so you know what that means; fruits and vegetables have been added to the grocery list, we spent the whole morning cleaning and making the place livable again, and both agreed to go to bed on time. After doing these little things and setting small guidelines we were able to take a step back and enjoy each others company during lunch and apologize for how irritable we have both been along with saying how much we truly appreciate each other. I never thought I would say this but, I can't wait for Monday because I can already tell how successful it is going to be just by clearing my head and breathing a bit. I hope you all have a great weekend!

Daily Motivation:  

Thursday, July 31, 2014


Rise and Shine Challenge: Night of Day 4

Complete nightly todos- most of them..
In bed by- 9:30
Asleep by- 10:00
Awake by- 8:30*
*After being up so early the past few days my body completely rejected my alarm today! Did not hear any of my alarms to my surprise but 8:30 is better then 10!

Daily Thought: Take Risks

The road we travel on called life can have many twists and turns, ups and downs, and sharp rights or rigged lefts but we all have to make decisions and take risks. Right now I am making the big decision to go to collage, the first person in my family to go. I'm diving head first into unknown water when know one who cares about me has been. As I was signing up for classes and paying for my books I realized that my decisions that I make now not only effect myself but others around me, especially my parents. Although I know they are proud of my I also know that they are scared for me because they don't know what or who I will come across but they trust me and the choices I make on my path of life. I have a dream to become an elementary teacher and if I want to reach that dream I have to take risks. Most of us have to take risks because, "through great risk can come greater success." Some risks are greater then others and some may seem small to some but grand to others and that is why we should not judge because we don't know where most people are in their path or how you could effect their big decision in a negative way. Treat others how you want to be treated and don't forget to weigh out your big decisions so you have a greater chance in making the right ones.

Daily Motivation: 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Rise and Shine Challenge: Morning of Day 3
Complete nightly todos?- No
In bed at- 9:30
Asleep by- 10:45
Wake up time- 5:00
Daily Thought: Outlook
The outlook we have of things maybe very different from one person to another even though we are all mostly physically the same. Most of us have two eyes, ears, arms, legs, and hands. Most of us can all physically feel by touch, hear, see, smell, and taste. Even with all the similarities we may have its quite strange how different we truly are. Not different by our height, weight, or hair color but by the way we see things, our own personal outlook on life. Many things can contribute to how your day goes but ultimately how you want to feel and how you let yourself feel are all up to you. You can try and find something good in a bad thing or you can think of all the negative things that can happen if you question your daily routine or try to go outside the box. What I'm trying to say is no one but yourself can make you happy first. You have to make yourself happy and running sufficient in order for anyone to truly love loving you and for you to truly love loving someone else and that you can change the mood of a problem, situation, or task by the way you look at it.
Daily Motivation 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Its only day 2 and I'm already having a hard time..
I started the day off good yesterday with waking up on time and doing my morning todos but when it came to night time I failed. After being stressed out all day that I waited to long to register for college classes, running around doing wedding stuff, and studding for my math placement test I didn't do my nightly todos and just as I thought, I didn't wake up on time this morning because I didn't set up my night for my day.
Rise and Shine Challenge: Day 2
Completed nightly todos?- No
In bed by- 9
Fell asleep by- 10:30
Wake up time- 8:30
Daily Motivation:

Daily Motivation

See where your day stresses you out and change it. If you really want something to change you will do it, no ifs, ans, of buts about it. Your life is all up to what you make it you can change whenever you want.

Rise an Shine Challang Day 1: The snooze button..

We all know the dreaded snooze button, and I don't know about you but I hate it. I always press it thinking that I will get up in a few minutes but that 9 minutes is just enough time to fall back asleep and wake up to press it again! So you know what I did, I turned them off. I set two alarms, one fore 6:50 and one for 7:00. No more snoozing for me! 
Another thing I did to make myself get up is write why I was getting up and put it on my night stand so it is the first thing I see. I am lucky enough to not have to get up for work or school just yet but I get up for myself. That is the reason I want to wake, for me. Not a job, not school, not a stupid boss, for myself and if I don't get up then I am only failing myself.

Day 1 update:
Complete nightly todos?- Yes!
Bed time- in bed by 9 I fell asleep around 10:30
Wake up time- 4:20... After my fiancé left for work I never fell back to sleep. After laying in bed for an hour I finally got up and started my todo list!
***my original post got deleted somehow yesterday so I'm reposting it


Friday, July 25, 2014

Rise and Shine Challenge!

I've noticed that my mornings as slow going and not very useful; but I could go all night doing different things if I had to, the only problem is I can't. My fiance has to get up for work at 4 a.m. so he tries to go to bed at 9 p.m. and normally I get in bed with him because all the stuff I would like to do (workout, clean, organize, etc.) is too loud and would wake him up. To help solve my problem I want to start a morning routine of getting up and getting stuff done! However I don't want to be alone on my journey so I would like you to join me and update everyday no matter if you start today or 5 years down the road I want to know that this is helping someone other then myself! I am going to break it down into steps of how I am getting started if some of the steps don't pertain to you skip them or adjust as needed.

Step 1: Set goals
Set 3 to 5 things that you want to do or get done during your new morning routine. I wrote them on a colored post-it note where I can see them everyday to remind myself why I am making a change to my lifestyle. My goals are, 1. Get more physical fit 2. Read the bible 3. Start my day with healthy choices 4. Blog more. I am starting small and as these become the new normal I will add other goals and cross off ones that have become routine.

Step 2: Wake up time 
Determine what time you will need to get up to complete your new goals every morning and count back 8 to 9 hours to figure out what time you need to go to bed. I want to wake up at 7 a.m.; to most people they would think i'm crazy because that isn't even hard  to get up that early, but for me it is because I am not a morning person and never have I been but I am working on changing myself! To get up at 7 a.m. I would need to go to bed at 9 p.m. ( I added an extra hour because I have a hard time falling asleep).

Step 3: Setting up your day the night before
If you don't go to bed in a good mood most likely you wont wake up in a good one either! Take an hour before bed to complete 5 tasks to help lessen the stress in the morning and to wind down a bit before bed. My biggest stress-er is waking up to a dirty house and I have discovered if my house is a mess before bed I hit the snooze button because I don't want to get up and look at the mess and reading tends to wind me down so I have added these things to my list of stuff to do before bed. Here is my list, 1. 15 minute pick up kitchen 2. 15 minute pick up room 3. get ready for bed 4. write tomorrow's todo list 5. read for 30 minutes . I start my nightly tasks at around 7:45 so I can have a little time to spare if I need it.

Step 4: Putting it all together by making a todo list
My todo list goes through my whole day and helps me get through the day even. Here is how my todo list lays out.

As you can see it is more then a todo list but that is the best thing I can think of to call it. This is how I have broken down my todo list.
Part 1: Water
I have a problem getting in enough water on a daily basis so I track how many bottles of water I drink throughout the day.
Part 2: My daily goals and daily todos
make bed
read one section of the bible
eat breakfast
do task off of master todo
do task off of master cleaning list 
do task off of weekly todo list
15 minute pick up kitchen
15 minute pick up room
get ready for bed ( wash face, brush teeth, take pills, that kind of stuff)
make tomorrows todo list
read for 30 minutes
Part 3: Other things todo 
This is for stuff like appointments, errands, studding, or taking kids to and from sports. 
Part 4: Exercise
As of right now and am working through Kayla Itsines's Bikini Body Guide that has 2 circuits that you repeat twice  so I am tracking myself on how far I get in the seven minutes per circuit so if I want to restart the workouts I can see how far I have come. If I am just doing cardio I write the workout or how fast I am.
Part 5: Gratitude list
Everyday I wright 3 things i am thankful for, sometimes I will repeat thing like people but I try to write different things every day
Part 6: Food intake
It is exactly what it sounds like, all the food I stuff in my face throughout the day and the times I do it at.

Wow that was a lot more then I though it was going to be but I promise it will all be worth it! Take the weekend to come up with your goals and comment them on this post because I want to see what you guys want to work on and don't forget to make a good todo list and lets report in on Mondays post on how our first day is going! 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Don't be the person who skips leg day!

You know you all have seen this guy...
Don't be that guy!
This is my favorite leg workout combined with a little bit of an ab workout.
-5 minute stretch
Super Set
-15x squats
-15x left leg lunge
-15x right leg lunge
Super Set
-25x left side lunge
-25x right side lunge 
Super Set
-20x leg press
-20x leg curls
-20x calf raises
Super Set
-25x Russian twists
-20x left oblique crunches
-20x right oblique crunches
-25x bridge heel touches
-25x 90 degree leg crunches
-5 minute stretch

Monday, June 2, 2014

Motivational Monday!

Just a little motivation because we all know how hard Mondays can be!
If you're just starting your fitness journey or if you are a vet in the workout world these words can relate to everyone! Its very important to know that if your workouts don't hurt or make you sore after then they probably aren't doing anything to help improve yourself. Keep your workouts different and change up anything you can to keep your body guessing and to never get bored. You can add knew workouts, work different groups on different days, mix up your how you do your cardio, just anything that will remind yourself why you started to workout and live a healthy lifestyle in the first place! 

Friday, May 30, 2014

Abs. Abs, and some serious Abs!

I'm warning you, you might not be able to breath after this!
20x Russian Twists (with or without weight ball)
20x Crunches
20x Left Oblique Crunches
20x Right Oblique Crunches
15x V-Sits Ups
Repeat 3x
Doing some cardio after this workout is a great thing to add just remember to stretch and rehydrate!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

New Clothes!


Getting new clothes is always a great but getting new workout clothes is a great way to motivate yourself to work out. When it comes to workout clothes you always want to try them on! If you are not comfortable in them then you are not going to workout in them simple as that. If you don't absolutely love it in the dressing room don't get it! Move around in the dressing room a little bit, if any skin is rubbing on each other then that is going to cause you pain during your workout. Don't think a higher price or a name brand means a higher quality or "better", some of my favorite workout clothes are my cheapest ones and I wouldn't trade them for any other brand.